Monday 24 March 2014

Andy Goldsworthy Inspiration

Andy Goldsworthy is an innovative British artist whose collaboration with nature produces unique and stunning artwork.  Using a range of natural materials- snow, ice, rocks, wood, leaves, he creates outdoor sculptures.  Before the sculptures disappear, he records their beauty through photography.

To inspire the children, I turned to the Andy Goldsworthy book, A Collaboration with Nature, where he photographed his work with balanced rocks.

The inspiration:

The Inspiration

I set up the table with materials and room to create.

The Invitation

The children, in their own time, decided to create their own works of art.

The Creation

They shared with their friends, "Look! It looks like there is a snake poking his head out of the rocks."
I am wondering now, if their art with rocks would change if I posted the photos of their first creations?
Let's try and see...

Thursday 20 March 2014

Sensory Play

In this sensory experience, the table was set up with two trays.  One tray was empty, one was filled with rice and lentils.  Also available were cups, pebbles, large rocks and shells.

The play evolved from a purely sensory exploration of the rocks, pebbles and shells to an investigation of how all these objects can be played with. 

What can be created?

Soup, tea, water and a pancake for mom!

Mud- a great opportunity for sensory play

A bathtub full of balls

Finger Painting